Anglicare Tasmania is a a not-for-profit organisation providing aged care, acquired injury and community support services across Tasmania. Anglicare Tasmania engaged Strategenics to migrate its Jira and Confluence data for from Server to Cloud, including the migration of associated apps. The project aimed to seamlessly transition to the cloud environment using a "lift and shift" approach for minimal disruption to their high-volume Service Desk.
Through meticulous planning, advanced technical expertise and effective collaboration, Strategenics successfully facilitated Anglicare Tasmania's Jira and Confluence Server to Cloud migration. By addressing challenges related to user data, app migration, and connectivity, the project achieved its goal of a seamless transition that met the objectives of minimal disruption and increased efficiency in the cloud environment.
This case study demonstrates the importance of investing in technical discovery, collaboration with stakeholders, and proactive issue resolution in achieving successful data and app migrations.