Strategenics recently sponsored the Christian Outreach College Toowoomba (COCT) Year 10 SWAG Benefit Concert last week. The event raised funds for the purchase of swags for the homeless community in Toowoomba, with support from the BASE Soup Kitchen and Street Swags.
2015 TIBCO-Strategenics User Group Meeting
Strategenics co-hosted the inaugural TIBCO User Group Meeting in Brisbane. We had a fantastic turn out of over 70 dedicated users from many industries.
Solving problems with 3D printing
Our Mechatronics Developer, Tim, recently completed the Strategenics Internship Program and has joined our team part-time while he completes his final semester of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering degree at University of Queensland.
Partners in Technology
Strategenics attended this morning’s Partners in Technology (PiT) briefing – Queensland’s ICT Industry – at the State Library of Queensland.
Strategenics Tour de Cloud
This week our team took a guided tour to the NEXTDC B1 Data Centre. Our IT service partners, Data Outsource use NEXTDC for data hosting and we thought it was a great opportunity to check out this premium facility for ourselves. After all, this is where we securely store our Spotfire data.
Innovative technologies taking Strategenics further
Strategenics is committed to its values in every facet of the business, including our internal technologies! We’re now equipped with Microsoft’s latest tablet notebook; Surface Pro 3 to explore how state of the art technology is providing a smarter and faster working environment for businesses.
Strategenics attend the Lord Mayor’s Business Excellence Workshop
Our new Brisbane business development team members recently attended the Lord Mayor’s Business Excellence Workshop on marketing, communication and innovation.
Working together with the smarter, faster and better Spotfire 7
To continually provide our customers with the best solutions, Strategenics have upgraded to the recent release of TIBCO’s Spotfire© 7. Our analytics team are now armed with this latest tool to deliver faster and more intuitive insights than ever before.
Celebrating Strategenics Toowoomba
Strategenics opened its doors up Wednesday evening to our clients, vendors and special Toowoomba friends and colleagues to celebrate our recent milestones.