CSIRO undertook a large-scale "social license to operate" research program within the Central Queensland community. We helped them visualise public perception using a platform that included versatile data-identifying capabilities.
CSIRO undertook a large-scale "social license to operate" research program within the Central Queensland community. We helped them visualise public perception using a platform that included versatile data-identifying capabilities.
Queensland Treasury provides economic and financial advice to the Government and community to enhance the state's financial position & economic performance. The Strategenics team was brought on to develop an integrated solution for collecting and analysing inter-agency data sets, as well as provide support for Queensland Treasury's in-house team.
Downer's on-site vehicles require consistent monitoring to evaluate the performance and output of the activities. We presented a solution that elevated their reporting capabilities to new heights.
QGCDG have been collecting and managing vast data sets across the Queensland Government for decades, and over time found their existing processes to be ineffective and costly. We helped them migrate and manage their data within a secure cloud environment, and continue to provided managed services.
MH4L is a Government-funded health program led by Diabetes Queensland, where participants work with a health coach to achieve personalised health goals. Our team was chosen to design, build, test, and operate their digital systems on an ongoing basis as the MH4L solution delivery partner.